Toby Bryans: Eating and Drinking in L'viv

Вуйко Сем

Cocktail bar south of Rynok square where the owner makes his own spirits. The stand out one is Opium, a poppy seed liquour.

Світ Кави

Fantastic coffee, there are at least two of these on or just south of Rynok square. The cakes and pastries are amazing, too. The second one is the original and has multiple floors and feels much more traditional. The first one, on Rynok Square, is much more modern. Same coffee, though!

Le Petit Café Lviv

This Cafe has a great kitchen both for mains and deserts, simple European food cooked well, next door to the original Світ Кави.

Артцентр ДЗИҐА

A coffee shop in a modern art gallery, each room in the coffee shop has different art and it's well worth having a wander through all of them.


Georgian restaurant to the north of Rynok square, one of two I recommend. Well worth a visit, look out for the wigs on top of the coat stands!

Хінкальня на Кривій Липі

The second Georgian restaurant I recommend in this somewhat hidden square just off Svobody Avenue. This one is part of a chain; there's a second one in L'viv, but I haven't tried there.

Cafe Centaur

A long standing highish end restaurant (it's been there since 1848) cooking Ukrainian food. Worth booking given its location on Rynok square.


Knock on an unmarked doorway on the ground floor of a building on Rynok square where you have to pass a test to get in (you'll pass). Once through the test and the hidden second entrance you'll be taken down two stories for Ukrainian food and drinks (definitely have the horseraddish vodka!) in what was orignally a hideout of the Resistance in L'viv.


For a similar experience to Криївка, indeed in the same building, just a floor up, is the most expensive restaurant in L'viv. Excellent food, in a place again steeped in the history of L'viv. Once again, a test is required to get in, this one is more interactive and may require some improvisation skills...

Ресторація м’яса та справедливости / Meat and Justice

Near the L'viv city walls, it has a gimmick but - unusually - that's not a bad thing as they really know what they're doing with their meat. If you're lucky you'll get the whole executioner / guillotine experience!

Чорний кіт

This is supposed to be an English Pub. I disagree, but what it is is an excellent bar / restaurant that sells extremely good Ukrainian food and beer in a very relaxed environment. It's on the way to the hotel I stay in when I visit:

Готель Замок Лева / Lion's Castle Hotel

Besides being an excellent place to stay, the restaurant in this converted estate previously used by Soviet occupiers makes extremely good modern Ukrainian / European food, in a smart casual environment with views of Пластовий дитячий майданчик. Top tier service and the views make this a perfect place for a date night. Booking required.